Pre-Orders for the latest reveals of Marvel Legends Gamerverse figures are dwell as we speak throughout the online. Most are Ps Spider-Man associated, Miles and Peter. Retail are $24.99 with a ship date of June 2025. Learn on for pics and particulars, hit the linkage to snag yours!
Marvel Legends Collection Gamerverse Miles Morales Brooklyn 2099 Swimsuit
Leisure Earth, Large Unhealthy Toy Retailer, The Chosen Prime, ToyGeek, Amazon (#advert)
Marvel Legends Collection Gamerverse Black Cat Felicia Hardy Motion Determine
Leisure Earth, Large Unhealthy Toy Retailer, The Chosen Prime, ToyGeek, Amazon (#advert)
Marvel Legends Collection Gamerverse Peter Parker Anti-Venom Swimsuit Model
Leisure Earth, Large Unhealthy Toy Retailer, The Chosen Prime, ToyGeek, Amazon (#advert)
Marvel Legends Collection Gamerverse Miles Morales Boricua Swimsuit
Leisure Earth, Large Unhealthy Toy Retailer, The Chosen Prime, ToyGeek, Amazon (#advert)
Marvel Legends Collection Gamerverse Miles Morales Upgraded Swimsuit Model
Leisure Earth, Large Unhealthy Toy Retailer, The Chosen Prime, ToyGeek, Amazon (#advert)
Marvel Legends Collection Gamerverse Peter Parker Black Swimsuit
Leisure Earth, Large Unhealthy Toy Retailer, The Chosen Prime, ToyGeek, Amazon (#advert)
CharactersSpider-ManMiles MoralesBlack CatPeter Parker
Scale6 Inch
Sub-LineMarvel Legends